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The following downloads are in our database from this author…

Cite (version 1.1)

Cite (version 1.1)

Item has a rating of 5

Added February 25th 2016

About Cite

Cite version 1.1 for Windows All (from XP upwards)
Filename: Cite.exe
File Size: 1 mb (approx)

Cite is a small freeware application that lets you check if a downloaded file matches the software vendors Hash (or fingerprint).

Copyright © 2016

You can use the hash below to validate your downloaded file
SHA-1 (40 character 160bit) hash:  7438F433DB4AD008060633990FC36667801424E3

Trekker (version 1.2)

Trekker (version 1.2)

Item has a rating of 5

Added February 25th 2016

About Trekker

Trekker version 1.2 for Windows All (from XP upwards)
Filename: TrekkerSetup.exe
File Size: 5.15 mb (approx)

Description: Trekker is a freeware software application that lets you view and manipulate pdf files via a file explorer like side panel.

Trekker Features;

  • A file explorer like panel
  • Viewing of PDF files
  • Viewing of Image files
  • Printing of PDF and Image files to the Windows defau

Trekker (Version 1.2) Portable

Trekker (Version 1.2) Portable

Item has a rating of 5

Added May 18th 2016

Trekker version 1.2 - Portable - for Windows All (from XP upwards)
Filename: TrekkerSetupP.exe
File Size: 4.56 mb (approx)

Description: Trekker is essentially already portable, however the portable version does not use a windows registered uninstall application and does not create a windows start folder. It does create an desktop icon that you can use to start Trekker initially (Should you not require the desktop icon simply delete it).

Trekker Featur

Trekker (Version 1.1)

Trekker (Version 1.1)


Added May 18th 2016

Note: A newer version of this software is now available at a different location on this website.
Please view the
main downloads page to locate it.

Trekker version 1.1 for Windows All (from XP upwards)
Filename: TrekkerSetup.exe
File Size: 5 mb (approx)
Description: Trekker is a freeware software application that lets you view and manipulate pdf files via a file explorer like side panel.
Trekker Features;
    A file explorer like panel

The following news articles are in our database from this author…

February 24th 2016, 6:23 PM 4 comments
February 24th 2016, 6:54 PM Launch of Trekker 0 comments
March 7th 2016, 1:08 PM Trekker reviewed five stars on Softpedia 1 comment
March 7th 2016, 9:27 PM shows Trekker has some speed 0 comments
March 18th 2016, 10:23 AM Why use PDF files 0 comments
March 23rd 2016, 11:16 AM How to create pdf files from your software applications 0 comments
April 12th 2016, 9:24 AM Why a hash checker is a good idea 0 comments
May 8th 2016, 8:31 AM Release of Trekker version 1.2 soon ! 0 comments
May 18th 2016, 1:03 PM Trekker Version 1.2 Release 1 comment
May 23rd 2016, 10:13 AM Trekker Portable 0 comments
May 27th 2016, 2:05 PM No optional applications attached! 0 comments
June 13th 2016, 1:49 PM Converting images to pdf in Trekker 0 comments